At the beginning of the year, I attended Woodford folk festival and sat in on a discussion lead by an extremely empowering woman, named Sam Patrick. This womam is the epitome of fearless, feminine and confident and had me intrigued from the get go. Sam shared insights on sex, energies, hormonal imbalances, finding your pleasure patterns & self love.
The main point I took away and decided to implement into my daily life, was to practice as many green light activities as possible per day to reach my higher self.

A green light activity is basically any activity that is good for the soul. Whether it be writing, practicing an instrument, reading, surfing, learning a new language, painting, drawing, stretching, singing, meditating, roller skating or just sitting and being.

To begin with, I decided to incorporate 1-2 of these activities into my life daily. 5 months on and my days are now naturally overflowing with only these.

How much happiness does scrolling scrolling social media aimlessly bring you vs the feeling of learning the intro to a song on guitar? It’s pretty bloody simple but I’m a classic example, coming from craving constant stimulation and always needing to have an online presence, to finally disconnecting and realizing how negative a toll (some) of the online world can take on you.

After taking a little hiatus from the web, I posted a photo of my body that wasn’t necessarily flattering/ my best angle and captioned it with –

‘I wasn’t going to post this because I don’t have a thigh gap & I have hips but instead I will because today was a top day spent riding around Lembongan on a scooty soaking up too many Balinese rays & that made me happy. Social media ain’t real life and angles don’t usually work in my favor but heeeeell, I feel good, I’m healthy aaaand I’m practicing self luuuurve every single day.’ #fuckyobeautystandards

A comment from a beauuuutiful friend of mine, Holly Alpen, really reasonated with me. She wrote –

‘(Almost) everything we see on social media parades underweight models like there’s no tomorrow. It’s unrealistic and crushing. You. Are. Perfect. Post whatever makes your heart happy. Never stop.’

Which brings me to where I am now, with the inspiration to create a fresh space to share some content, freely and openly with all who care to engage. A platform for random thoughts, ideas, highs and lows, travel tips, realizations, questions & snippets into my life.

This is me. Capucine. 21. A woooooman with a strong sense of self, highly independent, an eager need to improve, with high motivation and a direction that excites me completely.
This is my story and my struggle to truly love what the universe gave me.

I’ve always been a pretty healthy and active person. When high school ended, I had full reigns over my life’s direction and decided to take the party road. I had a pretty cruisy job that I could smash hungover & a sweet friendship that fed off spontaneous decisions & big nights out. 2013 was basically partying & living a super toxic lifestyle. It became a bit of a game to see how much I could consume and it really didn’t bother me that I wasn’t taking care of myself or my body. Before I knew it, I’d packed on 20 kilos and had never looked so unhealthy.
I began to completely detest my body and the next years would be spent consumed by some very negative patterns. I didn’t realize something was wrong until my boyfriend at the time analyzed my patterns and told me that I he thought i may have Bulimia Nervosa. The wreckless behaviors that come with the disorder had now become a part of me and I wasn’t letting go any time soon.

A couple of years on and the journey of self love is ongoing.
Coupla steps back, coupla steps forward….It’s all part of the rollercoaster that is life. At times, I do find it tough to listen to what my body & heart really need. Buuuuut… I’m learning to observe and act upon my weaknesses and I’m feeling stronger than my mind every. Single. Day.
I feel a sense of pride as i finally say out loud that i truly do love myself.
I love the freckles that cover every inch of my body, i love the tiger print stretch marks on my little butt, i love that i’m sensitive, i love that watching adults eat ice cream brings me an abnormal amount of happiness and I accept myself for all the i am whilst i work towards everything i want to be.

I ride the highs, observe the lows, manifest the best and reflect on how far I’ve come every damn day.
I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for the incredibly supportive humans who positively crowd my life. If you’re struggling with something. Anything at all. SPEAK UP. I promise it’ll be the biggest weight off your shoulders.

Adopt the viewpoint that there is nothing that exists that is not part of you, that any judgement you level is self judgement, that any criticism you create is self criticism and you will arrive at an unconditional love that will be the light of your world. You, in all your strength, beauty and will, have the power to create anything your wild heart may desire.