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Hormone Health // Reclaiming your womanhood

Cappy.hour & Tia Myers present:
~ Reclaiming your womanhood ~ 14/03/2018
Tickies ~

Join Cappyhour and special lil lady Tia Miers for a work shop focusing on all things women! Tia is a local Naturopath, iridologist & herbalist who is passionate about natural healing & helping women lead a healthier and happier lifestyle. If you’ve ever felt at war with your body, this workshop is most definitely for you!

Did you know that your periods, the condition of your skin, and the state of your bowel movements are all indicators of how well your hormones are balanced?
Hormones affect everything including acne, oily hair, dandruff, dry skin, cramps, headaches, irritability, exhaustion, constipation, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, clotting, shedding hair, weight gain, anxiety, insomnia, infertility, sex drive & cravings. Periods don’t have to be a curse and can be a time to rejoice!

Both coming from pasts of having too many of these dreaded symptoms and having found the tools to self cure. We both feel beyond passionate about these topics and trust completely in these basic lifestyle changes. Tia and i feel so excited at the prospect of helping more women to become in touch with their flow. Join us!

This workshop will give you the tools to find balance naturally through diet and simple lifestyle changes. Infused with themes of self love & creativity, express freely in a 0 judgement zone surrounded by like minded women. Sip some Chai, enjoy some snacks & create a bleed box filled with self care goodies.

When? ~ 14th March 5:00- 6:15 (QLD TIME)
Where? ~ Arthaus Projects ~ 2/5 Karen Gallery, Mermaid Beach
TIX ~ (inc. tea, snacks & bleed box)

Earlier Event: December 22
Intro to watercolours
Later Event: June 29