Challenging perceptions

I find retrospection & introspection to be so beneficial, necessary and even enjoyable.
I dig learning lessons. Observing my triggers and analysing them from a place of acceptance and humour. That gets me buzzing because i’m a fucken weirdo (unique).

I’ve decided to adapt a technique into my day to day life.
It’s actually been hilarious sitting back and watching my ego do it’s thing...
The technique is about challenging my perceptions. What I’d do is view what might originally be perceived as an annoyance, instead as neutral or even positive and funny.
Basically observing triggers and acting in a way that doesn’t leave you riddled with negative sensations & ill thoughts.

I’ve been implementing said technique to rid myself of limiting beliefs and this is it in practice.

Cap gets triggered easily p1:
Cappy gets too close to lake, bogs her hire van and requires a $300 tow.
Nice work mate…
Why tf didn’t I get insurance?
Does the tide normally rise so quickly?
Why don’t I have reception?
What the fuck am I to do….?
My body tightens.
I watch the annoyance rising and pair it with a couple of tears. 
There. I catch myself and switch my perceptions and decide to view the situation in a light hearted manner.
The car is being towed because of stupidity, not because it broke down & needs thousands of dollars worth of repairs. I didn’t crash & I didn’t hurt anyone.
All that is required here is to flock out a couple of pennies to be back on the road.
Pennies I initially thought i was saving for not opting to go with insurance. How ironic.
The money is there. It’s always there.
Shall i let it ruin my day or shall i move on?
Previously, it would’ve consumed me, this time, I pay the dollars and feel a sense of pride at the way i dealt with the situation.

Cap gets triggered easily p2:
I’m chatting shit to a friend about how much of a boss I am for not having paid for camping for a whole 6 nights! That’s a whole 120 buckos saved!
How smart, so sneaky, in charge, what a woman, so mighty.
Ego is through the roof, i’m on my way to the 7th night of WINNING and whaddya know?
Cap gets woken up to the sweet sounds of a knockin’ and the warm greetings of a parking officer with a $200 parking fine in hand. How humbling.
I think of my bank account once more and initially want to burn the ticket in a fire & throw myself in with it too. BUT I’m trying to deal with hurdles like an adult (lol), i mentally list the positives of said situation before the negativity takes over and automatically feel better.
I got to spend the night with beautiful company parked by a private lake & I’d probably pay $200 to do it all over again.

I challenge you to give it a crack!

I didn’t write this post to say that i have it all figured out. 
I write because its enjoyable, I learn a lot and i like to hold myself accountable. 
It’s all about that awareness. Stripping back layers, being honest, playing with ego and rejoicing achievements, however big or small. I need to know that my way might currently work, until it doesn’t anymore. And that’s when I need to be crafty, because my way is not the only way.

I challenge you to warp some perceptions. To throw em’ around a bit and watch life flow as you learn and grow and flourish in the synchronicity of it all.

xx Cappo