Everything in moderation, including moderation.

The other day, I was offloading to my brother, the best listener/advice man there ever was.
Jel is my number 1 supporter, yet has no trouble bringing my short comings to the surface.
After much discussion, we came to the realisation that I was setting myself a list of limiting rules/beliefs that don’t leave much room for flow & spontaneity.

At the start of 2018, I set out to live a life over flowing with self love, acceptance and wholesome things only..
I’m a persistent one….stubborn on the edges and have the tendency to go full force at anything that i’m passionate about so in true Cap fashion, I did just that.

Day in, day out, I’d rise early, exercise, fast till 2pm, eat my veggies, keep my plants watered, make sure my space was clean, read self help books, spend time alone, recite my positive mantras & not think ill thoughts. 
Often, these practices would leave me feeling fresh, light & whole. 
But god forbid, if something intervened or I wasn’t able to adhere to all of these practices, I’d spiral and wouldn’t allow myself to feel good. When I was up and dandy, I was amazing and whole but when I was down…acceptance wouldn’t be a part of my vocab. 
Ironically, much of this process did exactly the opposite of its intended purpose.

Although meditating, reading self help books, listening to podcasts, exercising, eating clean & spending time alone are all beautiful things…sleeping in, watching Netflix & not practicing yoga are equally as integral to one’s balanced being.

In the space of a week, I’ve set out to burn all of my limiting rules and have never felt more free.
I’m still meditating, exercising and eating well but i’m also polishing off a bottle of vino with my ladies when the mood strikes or eating pancakes to my heart’s content.

A wholesome life cannot be attained without discipline, but an exciting one requires variety, balance & zest!
Here’s to trialling ways, abandoning others and remaining open to observations from the people whose opinions are coming from a place of love and acceptance.

To quote my friend Jess Parkes:
“Everything in moderation, including moderation.”

x  Cap