Moving through guilt and shame

This ones about adversity.
It’s about speaking up, realising you’re wrong or knowing you’re right.
It’s all subjective but as Cat Stevens once said, “If they were right, I’d agree”.
This ones about the unnecessary pain we put ourselves through when we could instead cultivate enough awareness to catch the thought on the spot, before the physical pain manifests.
By deciding not to follow that particular thought instantly, you’re allowing immediate space to be re directed.
Sounds easy enough right? :P

Yesterday, at therapy, I began to understand that my need for safety comes from that ol’ hunter, gatherer thang where men feel safe till they don’t & women feel unsafe till they do.
I crave safety.
I didn’t know it but I do.
The first google search I did states simply that “Safety is one of our basic, evolutionary needs.”
Which is cool because I’ve never allowed myself that.

So how do we re empower ourselves after a slump?

Get up, make your bed, stretch or go to yoga, see Mom, go to the market, be honest with yourself, get coffee & don’t work unless it’s flowing.
Write. Pages upon pages. Even if it feels like nonsense. Get it down.
Cook yourself a beautiful meal
Wear Lavender
Dress up. It’s not too much, I promise
Tobacco is okay but make sure you’re hydrated
Feel the sun. Like really feel it
Stretch during any given window
Filling up petty: stretch
Lying down: stretch
Checking surf: stretch
Checking him out:stretch

We store emotional baggage in our bodies.

Where’s your tongue sitting as you read this?
Is it floating low range or smashing the roof of your mouth?
You know what you need to do.

When you notice your breath getting short. Pause.
What you do next can change everything.
If you’re uncertain, breathe.

Eat the 3 donuts but don’t bash yourself for it.
Look after your space/s.
I think the most under celebrated quality is that of being an absolute cleaning nazi.
I cop so much for it but I reckon it’s revolutionary.
Keeping a clean space and whip = game changer.
How can you be clear if your environment is mash potato?
Prove me wrong dawg.

Side note - I’m loving these Gabor Mate studies on ADHD.
It’s nice for my personal views to be validated & completely enhanced.
Science is golden.

Take aways:
- Guilt and shame are tricky to navigate. Be patient with yourself. Listen to Brene Brown. She’s a thought leader in all of this stuff. Grab what you will.
- Lean on Mom
- If she asks if you need anything, tell her a cheese platter will do
- Go to therapy or take part in some sort of healing modality/body work
- If you think it’s too expensive to put money towards bettering your health, re evaluate. (If you don’t have the pennies, offer a trade of services or save)
- Be kind to yourself. It’s hard but it’s a sure fire way to get out and through
- Eat the donuts
