I think

Some of you aren’t going to like this one because you’ve met your husband on Hinge or you and your girlfriend are flourishing after the sunset date of your dreams but the cool part about 2023 is that we’re allowed to have opposing opinions!

Long story short and then I’ll give you the short story long, I think it’s weak.
I think that if you’re wanting connection and you can’t find it within your friendship groups, family or yourself, it’s time to ask yourself some big questions.
I think you’re in a rush.
Afraid to be present.
I think you’re pushing at something that so badly wants to happen naturally.
I think if you haven’t met him yet, then you’re not ready.
I think it’s sad that you stay with her because you’re 40 & scared that you won’t find someone better.
I think you should take up a hobby instead, pick up a book, start a conversation or ask yourself why your first instinct when you’re feeling lack is to open an app, swipe right to some eye candy then perfectly craft some messages that hopefully lead to something BIG.
If you’re reading this and you’re one of those dudes that slides into chicks dms because they’re hot, it’s the same things.
The gram is just marketed better.

I’m pissed off. I don’t know if you can tell.
I never go unfiltered but yesterday I was reminded that this is a very real & prominent part of my personality & it’s not going anywhere.
My barometer for responding to hate was blown up when we went through that weird little phase where people who wanted autonomy over their bodies were shunned. Remember those coupla years? Haha throwback! #koalakiller
Since then, I’ve had a bit of a filter but yesterday on the poddy, my filter broke and I decided I’m not buying anothery. Thank you Hannah Darling.
There’s so many sides to us all that we don’t show up as because we fear judgement.
The cool part is the only judgement that matters is the judgement you level yourself.
So why not show up as the outspoken person for once & see what happens.
Maybe it’ll be cathartic or confronting, maybe It’ll piss the masses off or maybe fuck all will happen but at least you did something different.

I’ve gone through a big portion of my life feeling misunderstood & completely stifled because we live in a soft society and I have a lot to say.
The things is, no one can ever truly see you or understand you. Not only because they are seeing you through the lens of their own beliefs but also because you came here to witness and understand yourself. That’s the mission.
Knowing yourself cannot be out outsourced and when you depend on another person to see you, validate you, or understand you, in order to feel at peace, then you are not only giving your power away but you are abandoning yourself completely. BOOOOO to that.

On that note, I’m wondering, what happened to having opinions…?
Ones that differ from the rest and bring a subtle evil half smile to your face, paired with the thought that you’re a little tweaked for housing that thought…
Theo Von for pm.

Anyway, the real reason I’m pissed is because I see so many people LIVING in that lack mentality.
People who blame the cafe for paying them $20 an hour.
Like the cafe has them chained to the coffee machine…
Like the choice to leave to follow their passion is in the shift managers hands….

We have one go at it, one go to do shit that feels seismic & scary but instead we sit back and blame everything except ourselves for our lives (which we are the commandeers of) because it’s easier than taking a leap into the unknown.

You could get squished by a car this arvo, not wake up tomorrow, lose someone close and be faced with years of grief.
But instead, you’re here, with your health & your vitality & the potential to do something huge.
Naw! Look! You were just gifted another breath.
And another.
That’s pretty sweet.
Someone just took their last breath.

You wake up, suckle your vape in bed, scroll on your phone, stay in that toxic relationship & hold yourself back from making little adjustments daily that WILL benefit you in the long run.
“It’s so good when he’s not giving me crumbs”
“I worked hard today….I earned this drink or this doob.”
Where is that little voice coming from?
Have you challenged it recently?
Reckon that beverage and mindless scroll will get you closer to financial freedom?
Oh wait. You don’t think you’ll ever be able to enter the housing market so why bother.
Ever thought about what could happen if you exercised some discipline, stopped giving your power away to your circumstances, stopped giving so much energy to what people think about you and started chipping away at that thing that you used to dream about before you got in your own way?

I come into contact with people who are scared frequently & it irks me.
But those interactions show me my cracks & remind me of how I refuse to live.
If you don’t believe in yourself and you’re not taking some accountability for your life, I can’t & I won’t.
It’s draining.

I’m pissed off because I want what I see on insta to be inspiring, real & individual but a lot of the time, it’s not.
There is one of you, with your brain & your spice but you use the same trending song on your reel because you saw her do it and it’s easy to not go against the grain.
I’m so fucking sick of seeing the “He’s my rock” posts and the “We can’t wait to meet you” baby posts.
Read a fucking book, find some new words & express your love for your baby in a different manner!
Please just make it different.
Let’s refresh this fucking app before I rip my hair out.

I feel annoyed at the most beautiful girls I know who smooth their photos & hate themselves behind closed doors. Do better.
To the guys who see me on a night out, fade me and then send a dm later instead of growing a set and having a yarn in real life. Boooooooo.

Which brings me to the final topic of the day.
Talking phases.
If you see potential with someone, stop talking via your fingers immediately!
Stop all comms.
I repeat. STOP!
Let them know you’re interested in hanging out in real life, if it flows but please, step back slowly.
Be patient, do you, work on your shit, rejoice in the singledom and explore the potential when and if it flows, later down the track.
You’ll thanks me later.
There’s too much room for error in words.
Actions though…
We live in this world where we’re constantly seeking instant gratification & dopamine, where we want people to validate us right the fuck now. Validate your own experience. Invalidation is not a mortal wound. You’ll live.

Take aways:
- Chip away every day, challenge the voices in your head and remember, no one is you so act like it.
- Balance your connection to infinite while accepting where you stand
- Get rid of energy sappers
- If this triggered you, good
- I am a savage cunt