Zali Rae. A woman on the rise. Possessing a heart of gold, a wild curiosity and a Carl Barron like sense of humour. Your presence in my life brings me more than you'll ever know.
Name - Zali Rae
Age - Eighteen
Occupation - Artist + filmmaker
What steps do you have to take in order to feel your best?
If i’m feeling down or creatively un inspired, I will usually get myself into nature to rejuvenate. Writing, painting, listening to music & not being distracted by the outside world fills my basket right back up. Accepting where I'm at currently and moving through the thoughts without judgement is crucial to getting back on top.
How important is self love to you?
It is so very important. Choosing to ban the thoughts that don't serve has helped fast forward the process to accepting Zali as a whole. It's definitely a process but i'm taking little steps every single day and it's an empowering journey!
How do you practice self care?
To look after Zali, I will spend time in nature with my paints and journal to reconnect. My journal is my saviour. Physically letting it out feels like such a caring thing to do for myself.
Have you ever had issues with your body image, if so where do you believe they first stemmed from?
I am critical with what I create and the way my energy impacts others so it's in my nature to be critical of the way I look as well. In this day and age we are surrounded by many ideals of the way we should look and act and it's toxic...It can be tough to not to unconsciously take them on board. That's where self love comes in...
What do you do for yourself when you’re feeling shit?
I accept where i'm at. If I try to deny or push down the ill feelings, they tend to build up inside.
Dipping back into what I know makes me feel good is key as well as expressing how I feel with the ones i hold near and dear.
What does balance mean to you?
Being able to juggle, manage and nail self care whilst living life, and caring for others.
It's a constant journey that we’re all taking. Life throws crazy hurdles in the mix with no warnings. Taking it as it comes & knowing that whilst trusting in the impermanence of all.
Do you feel proud to be a women?
Yes! Increasingly more and more proud, I have to say. As I grow older and learn more about myself and this world, I feel more and more grateful to have been brought to this planet as a lady. We are so complex, expansive and capable of anything. We create LIFE inside us! What a whirlwind!
Describe a moment that filled your heart with pure bliss
Each sunset, smile, kiss, connection and brushstroke to fresh paper.
It would be too hard to name just one. My heart is so often filled with pure bliss!
What is your biggest goal in life?
To live a life filled with love and creation!
If you had one week left on earth what would you change about your life, how would you spend your last moments?
I would take more risks, tell people how I feel and be unashamedly myself whilst completely immersing myself in living without thinking.