Tia was born with an innate healing gift that she harnesses on the daily to help women find balance.
Focusing on womens health, hormones, digestive disturbances, fatigue, anxiety, depression and detoxification, Tia guides women to obtaining healthy relationships with their bodies. Not only is Tia extremely well versed in all things scientific and traditional medicine, she also possesses a unique power that presents itself naturally in all of her consults.
For more info/to book a consult, visit https://www.tiamiers.com.au/about
Name: Tia Miers
Age: 23
Occupation: I am a Naturopath! My main focus is helping women to balance their hormones naturally as well as developing a healthy and loving relationship with themselves as a product! Through support, guidance and herbies miracles happen!
What steps do you have to take in order for you to feel your best?
I am always doing things to top up my love tank!
To feel connected to my body and my heart, i practice yoga regularly.
Treating myself to Acupuncture weekly has become a ritual that makes me feel so loved.
Journalling! It's important to reflect and put things into perspective. It's a literal release!
How important is self love to you? How do you practice self care?
Self-love is so so so so important.
Working in a position where I am giving advice to others means that being consistent with self love is critical. If my love tank is full, there's much to go around. If it's not, then how am i to consult at my highest potential? I work my best when i am a product of what I am so passionate about so self care is at the top of my priorities list!
All of the activities that i spoke of previously make me feel so complete.
If we are giving love to ourselves in abundance, we feel whole and we do not search for it in others.
Can you re call a moment in which you felt empowered as a women?
Every single day! We are so powerful! We grow life inside of us!
Have you ever had issues with your body image/self worth? If so, where do you believe they first stemmed from?
Yes, from a perception that being skinny equated to beauty.
Restricting food, skipping meals and exercising in excess became a lifestyle.
Food was no longer viewed as nourishment. Although it was a rough time for me, I now stand grateful to this phase as it taught me a great deal, shaping me to the practitioner that I am today. I love empowering ladies and giving them the guidance they might need to develop a positive relationship with themselves and the foods they consume.
Tips for reducing negative body image include:
Mantras! Positive self talk every single day.
Focusing on your qualities, skills and talents. This will help you to appreciate and accept your whole self. Avoid negative self talk. Set health-focused goals rather than weight loss goals. How you feel is more important than how you look!
Can you re call a pivotal point in your journey towards acceptance & unlocking undying self love?
When I stopped caring what the number on the scales said and started nourishing & listening to my body.
How do you fill your basket back up when you’re feeling a little low?
Farmers markets, journaling, face masks, ocean swims, Yoga, Acupuncture, Cosy nights in with tea & a good book.
What does balance mean to you?
Making time, practicing presence and not rushing.
Feeling connected to everything that I am doing brings me a sense of calming balance.
Do you feel proud to be a women?
So incredibly proud!
If you had one week left on earth, what would you change about your life? How would you spend your last moments?
I'd jump on a plane to Asia and leave my phone at home.
More time connecting with “real” life, feeling, and just being.
Describe a moment that filled your heart with pure bliss!
One Saturday afternoon, Cappy & I set up camp on an old dingy bridge ovdrlooking the river in Kingscliff. We spoke about love, passions and life. The sun set slowly whilst we sipped on Kombucha and organic wine...snacking into the night with bellies and hearts full as can be.
I felt pure bliss at that moment! Blessed to have such a special lady in my life.