Name: Ashleigh
Age: 25
Occupation: I run a small vintage brand selling recycled clothing! It started out as a bit of a hobby and eventually an income flowed as a product!
I sell online & do a couple of markets here and there and teach a couple of yoga classes too!
What steps do you have to take in order for you to feel your best?
Rise early, jump in the ocean, feeeeel the sunshine on my face, practice yoga & meditate.
These are my medicine.
How important is self love to you? How do you practice self care?
Ahh self love.. the most sacred secret of all.
We are all born as compassionate, empathetic and loving beings...hungry for love.
To love others, we must ourselves. When we practice self love, we are naturally letting all forms of love into our lives. Cut short, It is completely critical.
To me, It’s about taking a moment to check in & to nurture myself & my needs.
It's also about embracing the days filled with productivity, being social & spreading my energy and kindly accepting the days where laying on the couch, eating chocolate is what my heart needs!
Can you re call a moment in which you felt empowered as a women?
When I travelled to India on my own a few years ago I gained a huge sense of empowerment.
A lot of time was spent in my own company, filled with curiosity, eyes wide & heart open.
Each day brought with it a new lesson. That it where the strength of my core was born.
Have you ever had issues with your body image/self worth? If so, where do you believe they first stemmed from?
Growing up as a dancer and working in the performing arts industry has had a huge impact on the way that I feel about myself, physically and mentally. Learning how to overcome body image issues has proven to be a very uplifting path. My journey into acceptance began at forgiveness. We’re each indescribable miracles. How beautiful it is to accept our differences. The most powerful realisation of all was that we each have the ability to be whatever the hell we desire! Daily reminders of my own self worth come from a simple act of gratitude. Humans are seriously incredible & beautifully unique.
Embrace your quirks! That way you're unconsciously giving others permission to do the same.
Can you re call a pivotal point in your journey towards acceptance & unlocking undying self love?
There’s not just one moment in particular that stands out to me.
It’s been a combination of multiple awakenings along the way.
Discovering Yoga has taught me a whole lot about acceptance, patience, presence & trust..a truly beautiful philosophy.
How do you fill your basket back up when you’re feeling a little low?
Music. Always. It’s amazing what sound waves can do to the heart strings!
Spending time in nature always leaves me feeling like new again.
Walking around bare foot brings a nurturing sense of grounding.
Presence & gratitude are vital. Really FEELING brings me back to good spirits.
Being an earth sign I find it’s really important for me to be connected the planet.
Watching the harmonic flow of the waves can put any negative feelings into perspective.
Being aware of the transient, continual motion of the earth always reminds me to let go of my doubts and to surrender to the flow of life.
What does balance mean to you?
It’s about embracing the inner yin and yang and tasting all the joys in life.
Having balance is crucial. It gives life it’s flow. There’s nothing healthy about over indulging in one particular thing, no matter what it may be. When we find our balance, we find our rhythm.
Do you feel proud to be a women?
Why yes! We’re the baby makers, the ground shakers and the life givers. What's not to feel proud about?
If you had one week left on earth, what would you change about your life? How would you spend your last moments?
I would definitely be more fearless in my approach towards life!
My last moments would be spent dancing, surfing, spending time with close ones, eating delicious food, swimming under waterfalls, playing Guitar and profusely reminding everyone in my life how much I love them!
Describe a moment that filled your heart with pure bliss!
The first time I saw a shooting star. Absolutely mesmerising.