Name: Kirra Rose Davison
Age: 21
Occupation: I’m a part-time Cafe minion, full-time environmental and ocean activist. (In addition to chasing my ambitions of becoming a Marine Biologist.)
What steps do you have to take in order for you to feel your best?
Sometimes it’s as easy as waking up, munching on some ripe fruit and taking a dip or surf in the salty ocean. Other times I need to take it easy, light some candles, dress in clothes that make me feel magical and dance around to Mazzy Star on vinyl. I set intentions to get my butt moving a little bit everyday, but I definitely don't focus on having a strict workout schedule, it just doesn't work for me. Some days a three hour surf is plenty, occasionally I have this urge to go on a run, and boom I’ll randomly breakout in headstands and inversions when the moment feels right. I like to change it up all the time, makes things feel more adventurous.
How important is self love to you? How do you practice self care?
I never used to give much thought to self love. I’ve been through lots of different phases and versions of myself and I’m finally starting to feel at ease with who I am. I've learnt to embrace each one of my sides. I never used to leave the house without makeup on. Now I don’t need makeup to feel feminine, some days I like to wear it just for the feeling of putting it on…it can be sort of ritualistic. Sure I have insecurities, but they don’t overpower me anymore. When they appear, I don’t let them hang around. I allow myself time to cleanse and regather. I practice cleansing rituals of my space, and allow my thoughts to pass. Self-care to me means making sure I feel magic. Taking a bath with a good book and some essential oils can do that or just dressing up in mystical clothing. It’s extremely important that I feel individualistic and that I have my own style.
Can you re call a moment in which you felt empowered as a women?
Being in nature makes me feel empowered. There are so many feminine elements in nature that help me to connect. Being in water is especially empowering. I remember going for a surf by myself not too long ago and being the only woman out in the lineup that morning. There were three older men out on their longboards and they looked at me as I paddled out. The sun was still rising, the air was warm and the colours in the sky were a soft pastel. It was a small day but I got a few good little rights to myself and I felt great. Now I sit here thinking about it and I could have gotten pissed off at the looks from the men easily, I usually do in that sort of situation. But I’m a woman! A captivating, mysterious and sometimes spazzy woman!
Feminine energy is a wonderful thing and before I got out that morning I felt those energies hovering around me.
Have you ever had issues with your body image/self worth? If so, where do you believe they first stemmed from?
I remember wishing I was curvier. Pre-puberty I was a lanky string bean and most of my friends had got their periods way before me. I actually remember wishing to get my period at like… I did finally get it a few years later and got the curves (and stretch marks) I wanted. Along with that, I had really “bad” skin issues that made me feel really crappy about myself. I overloaded myself with information on how to get rid of acne, I obsessed over it. Some nights I would spend over an hour picking at my face, I gave myself lots of scars. It turns out my skin issues were a product of my my unhealthy habits & hormonal imbalances. I identified too closely with them for some time. As I began focusing much more on my health, my skin cleared up. I still have stretch marks but I don’t look down on them any longer, I look at them as if they’re like the rivers that carved out the Grand Canyon. They show what my body has been through & that’s nothing to frown upon. So many of us fall victim to the way in which beauty is marketed/What the ideal body is and it's a waste of energy.
I don’t give a damn anymore if my abs are visible to the world, I just want to be physically capable of doing what makes me happy and that’s all I really pay attention to now.
Can you re call a pivotal point in your journey towards acceptance & unlocking undying self love?
I’ve been in a relationship now for almost three years. I remember leaving my boyfriend for two months so I could save up some money. I had lived with him for about a year when I had to move away and it was extremely hard for me. This is when I really developed my sense of self love. At first, I felt down and wasn’t focusing on myself. I was working full time and became really burnt out. I quickly realised that the upset was stemming from not focusing on myself. I went out into the forest and reflected. In order to get through these two months, I was going to need to take full advantage of this time gifted to me. I began by walking to work, riding my bicycle, taking myself out on lunch dates & treating myself to a good book every now and then and it felt SO good.
although I missed my boyfriend, I am so thankful for this time as it birthed something very special with in me.
How do you fill your basket back up when you’re feeling a little low?
I take a walk or a swim and let myself go through my emotions. To me, trying to dismiss feelings has always resulted in them piling up and eventually leading to a trigger that eventually sets off an explosion. I’ve learned it’s okay to be selfish in terms of putting your well-being first, how are you supposed to help others if you aren’t in the right place?
What does balance mean to you?
Making sure all aspects of me are content. Some days I get this urge to read, watch Ted talks and surf. Others, I my heart wants horror movies and pasta. Generally though, I don’t want to repeat the same day over and over. I start to lose sight of things when I get into a monotonous routine, so I just need to change things up to keep me motivated. Relationship wise, figuring out how to balance time for myself and my partner is crucial. We absolutely love being together all the time, but we express to each other when we need to step away and be by ourselves for a little. This used to be a problem for me because I couldn’t identify that I needed that alone time. I’ve figured out that loving yourself allows you to love others even more.
Do you feel proud to be a women?
HELL YEEAAA! Feminine energies are incredibly powerful. What’s amazing is that we can channel our feminine energies while also tapping into masculine energies. Women have an incredible sense of intuition. I feel I have a great connection with nature and this sense of respect that comes from it. Seeing and meeting powerful women is inspiring because they have this certain glow. A glow that shows they’ve been through hell and back to figure out who they are and what they want, and won’t be stopped till they accomplish their quest. I think that is a beauty that goes beyond this dimension.
If you had one week left on earth, what would you change about your life? How would you spend your last moments?
I would want to be with my family and the man I love. I really wouldn’t change much, I would just want to spend the last week smoking good weed, eating lots of vegan ramen and tacos, dancing under stars and surfing. I’d swim with all of the whales and sharks and would spread as much awareness about keeping our oceans clean! As long as everyone I love knows how much I love them, I’d be happy. Knowing I spent the last week surrounded by love fills my basket to the brim and well, that’s all I could really ask for.
Describe a moment that filled your heart with pure bliss!
On Valentine’s Day we went up to some waterfalls in Currumbin Valley. It was so warm that day and the water felt so pure on my skin. My man & I were the only ones there and I was floating in the water at peace. I brought one of my favourite crystals there at the time and my tarot deck to charge in the sunlight and felt nothing but positive and enchanting energies there. It’s stuff like that which makes you feel ever so marvelous.