The other day, something so monumentally transformative happened.
It really got me feeling all kinds of ways.
Im'a give ya'll a bit of context because painting the picture is what it's all about. I'd like it if you felt like you were there, in the freezing cold roadside-truckstop-40 knot onshore-beachside shower, with me.
Because this is where this story begins, in overcast Raglan NZ, after having just wrapped up a delish night of free camping.
Side note: I REALLY fuck with showers. Sometimes three a day.
Anyway, operation shower.
After searching high & low & being turned away from 3 campgrounds for not wanting to pay $20 for a rinse, I decided it was time to level up.
As I blasted the same song for the 12th time that day, with hopes of learning every single lyric, I had no idea I was about to strike gold.
There, right before my eyes, sitting dankly, a roadside shower that reminded me of that ad about drugs being made in a toilet.
The thing with that sentence is that if you take away the part about drugs, you're left with shower & that just so happens to be what I'd been asking for.
Sporting my $2 kmart crocs & a keen sense of wonder, I felt up to the task.
As I conditioned my locks in the ice cold waters whilst watching oncoming traffic & losing sensation in my arms, I wondered what the day might hold.
Post truck stop shower glow up, I jumped in the van. Destination: decaf Soy Cap.
But first, I'd have to pick a tune (probs the same tune once more cause why not?), open Instagram, watch 3 stories, wonder why I was wasting my time and finally, go about my day.
As I tapped my thumb to the first story, I was swiftly stopped in my tracks.
There, sitting pretty, a top to bottom nude posted by a friend of mine whom I am truly fond of.
A well spoken man.
Creative, calculated, hilarious & talented beyond measure.
Not the kind of content I was used to from him but a pleasure nonetheless.
The nude - Tasteful, clean, well lit & paired with the composition of my dreams. The type of shit I'd sub to.
His feed - Dim lit corners, music, cars, travel, people, moments.
Majority on film, all immaculate.
Stoked on my find, yet sweating for my pal, I hustled a quick screeny, for later, and set about messaging him in the hopes of notifying...unless it was a power move, in which, I would most definitely approve.
After 1 min without response, I felt a nudge was in order.
Facetime. Front cameras ON, Laughter ON, and a rawness I haven't experienced enough of in my time.
Watching the way in which my pal navigated the situation was one of the mosty humbling experiences of my life.
The humour was some of the quickest on that day & if you know me well, you know there's nothing that stimluates me more than someone who can follow or lead.
"I'm just picturing myself walking into the channel 9 news office in a couple of hours & wondering who in the office has seen my cock".
That just got me static.
Pair words like that with a demeanour infused with lightness and warmth and you've got yourself a recipe for a mildy petrified human, taking it like a boss.
Using humour to lighten an interesting situation is what it's all about.
After some back and forth, words of affirmation & laughs a plenty, we both went our own ways.
I'm not sure how the rest of his day went but I know how I spent the day because it was 2 weeks ago today and one of the finer days of my life.
I spent the whole damn day in head back laughter, surfing cooking waves, watching cooking waves, listening to that song, snacking & having the most insane phone sex of my life.
The phone sex part is interesting because I'm not usually one for it but after this whole shenanigan, it was like the oppourtunity landed on my platter and it could be used as an agent for growth in an area that I've consistently been tackling lately. That area being quality sexual relations, feeling empowered in my bod & not being afraid to talk about the fact that I'm more often turned on than I am off
Days later, I received a msg from him stating that he'd been spending more time in the nude & feeling the "fuck it" notion way more that I too had been riding.
I felt a real sense of peace wash over me.
I told the story to a friend over some juicy Americano style Burgies & the next day she told me that she felt inspired to try something new herself which put some extra pep in my step!
There's a huge part of me that froths out on the concept that if you can manage to find joy in the midst of testing times, you'll come out the other side quicker, more resilient, with more tools, having used the happenings as agents for growth or a catalyst for change, if you will.
Experiences like that can break or liberate so lets choose the latter!
Take aways -
Lets (practice) be(ing) comfortable and proud
Confidence always prevails
Anyway, I hope you're all feeling empowered, trying new thangs, sleeping well, staying hydrated & having high quality sex.
How good are showers.
Have a lovely day, kiss kiss