Name: Isabel Kate Wartmann
Age: 20
Occupation: Breather
What steps do you take in order for you to feel your best
Rising slowly whilst allowing myself to observe how I might be feeling
Filling my tummy with nutritious foods whilst sipping on that h2o all day long
Movement is absolutely vital to my being as I am a hyper active little bean. Taking time to stretch, swim, practice Yoga, Pilates, dance or anything of the sort leaves me feeling clear. It’s is in these moments that I am most silent with in myself.
Writing for me creates an open conversation without judgement, which I can observe and look at objectively.
It’s not every day that I am able to do practice these, so simply acknowledging that I’m doing the very best I can, for me, in this moment brings me much gratitude.
How important is self love to you? How do you practice self care?
Self love is of the utmost importance for me.
To me, self care is taking part in a yoga class, joining a women’s circle, having coffee with a friend, hugging mumma or taking time to feel the sun on my skin.
We hold everything we need inside ourselves.
Consistently reminding myself of the power I hold, means I rarely rely on anybody else to fill my basket back up. It all comes solely from myself, and I think that is the greatest act of self love there could ever be!
Can you re call a moment in which you felt empowered as a women?
I felt empowered when I started to develop menstrual issues oddly enough.
Upon finding out my results, I felt a little disheartened when the answer became a bandaid to the actual problem. I’m a stubborn little button so I immediately decided that i wouldn’t stand for that. From every hurdle comes light & surrendering to this experience has left me feeling empowered. It’s a journey full of acceptance. There is time to heal, to breathe, to learn and to be.
Have you ever had issues with your body image/self worth? If so, where do you believe they first stemmed from?
I have been a dancer since the age of 9.
At age 12 I developed a real distaste for my muscly figure.
Standing in class looking, poking and prodding at certain parts of my body whilst putting myself down for every piece of food i’d consume became my reality.
As the years went on and I started to develop, things took a turn for the worse. I loathed the site of myself. Teachers only encouraged these behaviours. Pulling students aside to inform that they’d need to drop weight to fit a certain criteria.
I ended up quitting dance at 18 and moved back to Australia.
That’s where the journey of acceptance began. Learning to love my body for what it is, how much it does for me and for how well it works, as opposed to how it looks.
Can you re call a pivotal point in your journey towards acceptance & unlocking undying self love?Just before I turned 20, I decided to stop. Stop the constant stream of self-loathing. I just stopped. It wasn’t serving me. I realised how much I was holding my self back from everything. Opportunities I had missed because I was never content in my present moment.
I was lucky enough to have the lovely Capucine walk into my life a few months before this. She embodied this amazing, fearless creature, so full of life, so passionate. Caps taught me what it was to be me, without shame or guilt. To be bold and brave, honest and kind. This little lady has impacted so many others lives, and she continues to be my inspiration today as well as a beautiful friend I cherish very much.
How do you fill your basket back up when you’re feeling a little low?
When I’m feeling low my favourite thing to do is to get outside. A swim in the sea makes my heart very happy. I love to go and get myself some little treats and sweets, for the soul. When I’m low, I like to be alone to gather my thoughts and to slow them down.
I allow this time to flow through me, without suppression.
What does balance mean to you?
Balance to me means allowing yourself to do whatever your heart desires on that day. To listen to what you really need in that moment. The only person you need to show up for is yourself.
I think within balance, self care should always be a prominent factor, but going out with your friends, getting wild, having a dance till the early hours of the morning, or staying home watching movies and all you can eat chocolate are some of the best times. Knowing you have the choice and you deserve to enjoy this glorious life is key. Balance is everything.
Do you feel proud to be the person that you are today?
I am very proud of the person I am today. It has been a very exciting adventure so far and I cannot wait to learn (and eat) more!!!
If you had one week left on earth, what would you change about your life? How would you spend your last moments?
If I had one week left on earth, I would surround myself with every being whom I love. I would want to be home. To be close to everything I love. To sit, laugh, talk, feel. There isn’t much I’d change about my life. I am oh so very lucky to be living.
Describe a moment that filled your heart with pure bliss!
Earlier this year I did some conservation work in New Zealand in the Hauraki gulf. We went and visited a private island with Sue, the lady whose family owned the island. It felt like home. It was all so captivating. On the island was a lone self-sustained cabin that had been there since the 1800’s. The day was spent exploring, swimming, canoeing, shell searching & tree climbing. That night we caught our dinner and cooked it together over the fire. I felt so much peace in this moment. The whole group was buzzing off the days beautiful energy. Over what we had seen and learnt. The island was truly magical & that’ll go down as my favourite memory to date.